[PlanetCCRMA] Re: AGNULA launches the "Libre Music" project

Andrea Glorioso andrea.glorioso at agnula.org
Tue Dec 23 09:54:47 PST 2003

[List moderators: feel  free to delete  this e-mail if you think  it's
not relevant for the list.  I'm sending  it just to make the situation
as clear as possible]

Dear all,

another small update to our "Libre Music" (i.e. "we've got DNS
problems) announcement.

Straight from www.agnula.org news page:



The DNS problems  we have been having with  our agnula.org domain (and
all subdomains thereof) seem to have been fixed.

After long griefs, several e-mails  and various hours of control panel
web twisting, it looks like the problems we have  been having with our
agnula.org domain since yesterday have been fixed.

What happened? Actually, we forgot to renew our agnula.org domain, but
our registrar never notified us (right now the  contact e-mail for the
domain is wrong,  but it was  correct up to  five days  ago). When the
domain expired, our registrar replaced our IP address, which points to
our server hosted at KTH, with an IP address pointing to a "domain has
expired" web page.

After  noticing the  error and  renewing the domain,  however, it took
some hours for  our registrar to make  the necessary changes  in their
DNS servers. Right now the correct DNS  entries are propagating on DNS
servers  throughout the world:  if you are  not able  to  reach any of
agnula.org servers and services yet we ask you  to have still 24 hours
of  patience - sometimes  DNS data is quite slow  to propagate, and we
can't control how the DNS server that you are using is configured.

Sorry for the incovenience. For any  question, feel free to contact us
at the usual places:

<info at agnula.org> and/or <users at lists.agnula.org>


on behalf of the AGNULA team,

Andrea Glorioso                        andrea.glorioso at agnula.org
AGNULA/DeMuDi Techie                       http://www.agnula.org/
"There's no free expression without control on the tools you use"

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