[PlanetCCRMA] Re: AGNULA launches the "Libre Music" project

Andrea Glorioso andrea.glorioso at agnula.speech.kth.se
Tue Dec 23 09:53:02 PST 2003

Dear all,

a small update to our "Libre Music" announcement.

>>>>> " " == The AGNULA Team <info at agnula.org> writes:

 > Florence, 22 Dec 2003

 > +++ AGNULA launches the "Libre Music" project

 > The  AGNULA IST-Project  [0] is  proud to  announce its new  "Libre
 > Music" (aka the "muzik" project) project, whose goal is to create a
 > publicly accessible  database of Libre  Music, i.e.  music licensed
 > under either the Creative Commons [1] licenses or  the EFF [2] Open
 > Audio License.

We   are currently  having  some  DNS  problems.  It   looks  like the
`agnula.org' domain expired and our current registrar didn't notify us
(right now the e-mail  address on the  domain record is wrong, we  are
correcting that, too, but it was right up to one week ago).

Our registrar changed the  IP address for   agnula.org and of  all its
subdomains, making  it point to a  default  "domain has expired" page.
As soon   as we noticed  the problem,  we contacted the  registrar and
renewed the domain, but until now there  are still two IP addresses in
the DNS system worldwide:

www.agnula.org.         2400    IN      A
www.agnula.org.         2400    IN      A

The *first* IP  address is correct (it's the  IP address of the AGNULA
server at KTH,  Sweden) while the second is  not.  Until our registrar
understands that we *did* renew our  domain and deletes its IP address
from the  DNS system,   you might fail   to reach  our server  and all
services hosted  there  (www.agnula.org, devel.agnula.org, the mailing

We are sorry for this issue.  We are working as fast as we can to have
it fixed before Christmas.

On behalf of the AGNULA team,

Andrea Glorioso                        andrea.glorioso at agnula.org
AGNULA/DeMuDi Techie                       http://www.agnula.org/
"There's no free expression without control on the tools you use"

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