[PlanetCCRMA] RME Digi96/8 PAD Channel Problem

hayesjaj at notes.udayton.edu hayesjaj at notes.udayton.edu
Fri Dec 12 12:24:01 PST 2003

Hi all,
I am wondering if anyone has managed to get the RME Digi96/8 PAD (or for 
that matter, any card using the snd-rme96 driver) to accept a full 8 
channels of input and output via the ADAT optical link.  The card 
functions very well using all the I/O functions, but I can only get 2 
channels via the ADAT link.  It seems to me that alsa is only seeing two 
channels for PCM (in /proc/asound/cardX/pcm...etc) but in the info it 
shows the optical link functioning with all 8 channels.  I am recompiling 
alsa now to see if it is related to the version for CCRMA but any help 
would be most appreciated.


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