[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [CM] no sound with latest kernels/alsa modules

Noel Bush noel at x-31.com
Thu Dec 11 18:59:01 PST 2003

I downgraded to the 0.9.8-2 version of the alsa packages and now I've
got sound again.


On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 20:58, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> > > Looks like you have the proper packages (latest alsa and kernel). I
> > > don't know where to go from here, looks like you have already tried
> > > tweaking all the controls in alsamixer (or gamix if you want a GUI),
> > > which is what I would suggest. 
> > 
> > I wanted to rebuild the alsa and alsa-kernel packages, to see if that
> > would help.
> The most recent ones? Probably not. 
> > I did an "apt-get source alsa-driver" and then tried
> > "rpmbuild --rebuild" on that, and then tried to install the resulting
> > alsa-kernel package; I got this:
> > 
> > # rpm -ivh alsa-kernel-2.4.23-1.ll.rhfc1.ccrma-1.0.0-1.rc1.cvs.i386.rpm
> > error: Failed dependencies:
> >         kernel-version-i386 = 2.4.23-1.ll.rhfc1.ccrma is needed by
> > alsa-kernel-2.4.23-1.ll.rhfc1.ccrma-1.0.0-1.rc1.cvs
> If you look in /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/* you will see that you have
> packages in the i386, i586, i686 and athlon subdirectories. You have to
> install the one that matches the architecture of the kernel you are
> running (apt does that for you when you install planetccrma-core). 
> This also applies if you try to download an older package and install
> it, it has to match the architecture of your kernel (2.4.21, that is). 
> > > You need to get the package with the architecture that matches your
> > > kernel (probably i686 - 'rpm -q --qf "%{ARCH}\n" kernel_package' should
> > > print it if you are not sure). 
> > 
> > Maybe I am missing some package or have the wrong version.  When I tried
> > that command you gave, I got:
> > 
> > # rpm -q --qf "%{ARCH}\n" kernel_package
> > package kernel_package is not installed
> Sorry, I should have been more specific. I meant:
>   rpm -q --qf "%{ARCH}\n" kernel-2.4.23-1.ll.rhfc1.ccrma
> (for the latest version, uniprocessor kernel). That should print the
> architecture of the kernel you specify. 
> > So, do I need to do something special to be sure I have the right
> > package?  Is there something in addition to "apt-get install
> > planetccrma-core" that is required?
> Not really. Proper configuration of /etc/modules.conf but you have that
> fine, otherwise alsa would not even load. 
> > > This may be a bug in ALSA itself, maybe you should post to the
> > > alsa-devel list to see if somebody else is hitting the same problem. 
> > 
> > Before I go to alsa-devel, do you know of anything else I can do to see
> > if sound is being "sent" wherever it's supposed to go?  Can I look at
> > something in /proc, for instance?  I tried ecasignalview, and it shows a
> > meter moving as if there's sound when I play a wav file.  But, of
> > course, no sound.
> To me it sounds like something in the hardware is not being initialized
> properly so everything looks like it works but, let's say, the output
> amp is not "on". 
> Do you remember the version number of the alsa package that was working? 
> I must have it around somewhere and can try to get it for you. 
> -- Fernando
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