[PlanetCCRMA] ardour 0.9beta9 recording proble

Jorma R rjorma at sunpoint.net
Mon Dec 8 05:08:01 PST 2003

> Am Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2003 10:15 schrieb Jorma R:
>> Hi,
>> The new ardour beta looks and feels better than the previous ones
>  again.
>> Yet I have a strange problem with recording: When a channel has the
>  "rec"
>> -button up (off) I see the level meter moving. When I switch it on
>  they
>> disappear. When I start the recording I get (not suprisingly) silent
>> waveforms.
>> So somewhow it seems that the track record button is actually
>  disabling the
>> record functionality when enabled and vice versa.
>> Has anyone else run into this?
> here only the meter is disabled on enabling record. Recording works.
> Karsten

Further experiments proved that Karsten was right and I was trigger happy. :) Only the meters disappear but that is not so dangerous naturally. 

I was fooled by the new feature - empty waveform "spaces" being drawn when recording. This is really useful I think - to be able to see which tracks are actually being recorded.

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