[PlanetCCRMA] Ardour Export Crash

Taybin Rutkin taybin at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 8 04:33:02 PST 2003

On Sun, 2003-12-07 at 22:24, Phil Moors wrote:
> I'm posting to this list first since I don't see anything in the Ardour
> archives or the Jack archives that cover this prob.
> I'm running Ardour on a uniproc system which has worked fairly well so
> far. I have a session consisting of one track with 3.5 minutes of music.
> Punching in and out have worked well.
> When I export session, processing begins and then jack dies with a
> watchdog error.

Yes, this seems to be a new bug in Ardour.  It was just reported


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