[PlanetCCRMA] cinelerra on athlon/duron

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Aug 23 11:42:01 PDT 2003

> Still having same problem.
> More info on my setup.
> The audio samples have been recorded at 44100 Hz.  They contain one
> channel only (mono).
> Settings | Preferences | Playback:
> - Samples to read ... -> 131072 (=128*1024)
> - Sample to send ... -> 2048

I also have here "View follows playback" and it is checked.

> - Use software for positioning -> checked

I have this unchecked. 

> - Audio driver -> OSS (why ALSA is not listed?)

I guess because it is not yet supported. I think there are sources for
alsa in the cinelerra tree but last time I tried to build it that way it
failed (1.1.6, I did not try yet in 1.1.7). 

> - device path -> /dev/dsp
> - bits -> 16 bit linear
> - channels -> 2

The rest is the same. 

> Here's the output of 'soundtest' from CCRMA distribution of Cinelerra:
> *** Half duplex
> Couldn't enable full duplex audio.
>           fragments fragstotal fragsize   bytes  TOTAL BYTES AVAILABLE
> Playback:         2          2    32768   65536        65536
> Record:           0          2    32768       0        65536
> Why does it say 'half duplex' ? 

I don't know, I get the same result in my laptop (and it is able to do
full duplex, I know that much). You could try downgrading to 1.1.6, I
guess (I would have to put it back in the site, I think I already
cleaned things up). I don't know if there is a cinelerra mailing list
for this kind of question. 

What soundcard do you have?
-- Fernando

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