[PlanetCCRMA] download of cd-rom images

gilbert hamilton g.hamilton at bluewin.ch
Sat Aug 16 05:00:03 PDT 2003

Hello, I've downloaded all the iso cd-rom images  needed for 
Planet-CCRMA at home.
I've used a mac as it is on an adsl connection. I cannot therefore 
perform the md5
checksum. However the "Planet CCRMA Red Hat 9 disk 1"  download stops 
before the indicated size  is attained & the browser indicates " 
download complete". I've tried 3 times
and they give me around 300 MB  but different each time. Is it the same 
as disk 1 on the
RedHat website? Or should I try to dwnld  once more?Thanx for your help.
Gil hamilton, Geneva, CH. 

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