[PlanetCCRMA] no lily silly

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Aug 14 12:37:02 PDT 2003

> I ran apt-get to install lilypond and it got stuck. I reran it and it
> seemed to install it, but when I run ly2dvi I get the following.
> Running /usr/bin/lilypond...GNU LilyPond 1.8.0ERROR: In procedure
> dynamic-link:
> ERROR: file: "libguile-srfi-srfi-13-14-v-1", message:
> "libguile-srfi-srfi-13-14-v-1.so: cannot open shared object file: No
> such file or directory"
> Any ideas whats wrong and how to fix it.

Apparently you do not have the proper guile installed. Maybe I should
have put an explicit requirement in the spec file for lilypond (I'll do
that on the next release)...

Anyway, check to see which version of guile you have:
  rpm -q guile
It should be 1.6.4-7
An apt-get dist-ugprade should bring it in...

-- Fernando

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