[PlanetCCRMA] I removed one too many things!

Luc Tanguay lucus at sympatico.ca
Fri Aug 8 10:15:03 PDT 2003


since apt-get is just a front-end to RPMs, would a 'rpm -qa | grep 
the_package_you_want'  command do the work ?

Another trick.  Do a 'rpm -qi a_package'.  The packager field should 
contain 'Fernando Lopez-Lezcano.'  Is that true for all the packages on 
the Planet ?

You can also try:
# rpm --qf "%{NAME}:%{PACKAGER}\n" -qa |grep Fernando


Mark Knecht a écrit:

>   I have a old RH8 test machine here in my office that I use for first
>installs of new software so that I won't hose up my important machines. This
>box ran out of disk space yesterday, so using synaptic I started 'cleaning
>up'. Looks like I went a bit far. Now KDE won't start. ;-)
>   I could rebuild the machine in RH9, and that would be no big deal, but I
>thought I'd at least scope out how to fix the current machine.
>   apt-get still runs from the command line, and I seem to have Internet
>access as 'apt-get update', so presumably I could do installs from a console
>and run again. I tried some simple stuff, like 'apt-get install kde' but
>just came up with kde not being a package.
>   Where is the file on my machine that shows the list of packages in
>Fernando's database? I presume I can read this with vi or cat?
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