[PlanetCCRMA] udpated: jack; added: qjackctl

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Aug 7 12:50:02 PDT 2003

> Anyway, I grabbed the rpms from the archives just after you put them there 
>(before you announced/aded to change log(my favorite page)) and
> installed the rpms.

Wow you're fast....

> Thanks for getting this together so quickly.


> Another thanks for doing the "postfix" thing to the archives, it really helps keep
> track of what belongs with what. I always had to be so very carefull
> about putting any downloaded rpms in their correct directories on the
> server here;  so as not to mix up the redhat versions.

It will take a while as I'll add this as I rebuild packages. It's mostly
to help upgrades but I guess it also helps if you are not using apt to
manage installs. 

> My next software compile/install/try will probably be gmorgan, unless you happen
> to have the extra time(not) to get it packaged up also :)

It's on my list coming up soon... 0.10 just came out today I think. 
-- Fernando

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