[PlanetCCRMA] tcl with threading support

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Aug 6 19:10:03 PDT 2003

> I want to use Open Sound World ( http://osw.sf.net ) with Planet CCRMA, 
> but it needs a tcl with threading support. unfortunately the tcl from 
> planet ccrma has no threading support.

Planet CCRMA does not provide tcl (or tk), they are included in RedHat
by default (but they of course are available from the Planet CCRMA

> does anyone lnow where i can get 
> a redhat 9 compatible rpm or how to recompile it with threading enabled?

No, not yet. That would be a problem because the change will probably
impact all tcl applications (but maybe not?)

Anyway, at some point I'll have to deal with this, OpenSoundWorld was in
my radar screen :-)

-- Fernando

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