[PlanetCCRMA] Older planet-ccrma kernels.

Kjetil S. Matheussen k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Sun Aug 3 02:06:02 PDT 2003

On 1 Aug 2003, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

> > Where can I find them? I am trying to get two nforce2 based
> > machines (shuttle and soltek MBs) to run stable, but the only kernel that
> > has succeded is the ccrma/redhat 2.4.20-18.1.caps kernel.
> > I have tried linux-2.4.21-1.ll.acpi (both with and without acpi),
> > redhat8 2.4.18.something, and vanilla 2.4.22-pre8. But they all
> > freeze after some time. 2.4.20-18.1.caps seems to run
> > quite fine though (after disabling lots of stuff in the bioses, and
> > turning off kudzu).
> >
> > But I would like to try some older ccrma kernels. And have
> > forgotten where they were placed. Are they still available?
> I think they are still there (but I was going to clean up that stuff
> soon). Go to:
> http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/redhat/linux/planetccrma/
> And look into the 7.x.up and 7.x.lap directories.
> But those kernels are very old and do not have explicit support for the
> nforce2 chipset at all. Anyway, try them before they are gone! :-)
They seem to be gone. :(
Nah, it doesnt matter. I think I give up one of the machines. The
other is not that important, so I can live with 2.4.20. Don't want to
bother more with this.


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