[PlanetCCRMA] planet-ccrma kernel 2.4.20-4.ll on redhat 9
Josh Steiner
josh at vitriolix.com
Fri Apr 18 11:54:01 PDT 2003
hi martin, did you upgrade over a redhat 8 + planetccrma box? I havnt
figured out what i'm missing to get apt working on redhat 9 yet...
Martin Dupras wrote:
> Hi,
> I have upgraded my linux laptop about a week ago to redhat linux 9. It
> worked fine but I never could manage to get ALSA working.
> I downgraded my kernel to the planet-ccrma 2.4.20-4.ll.acpi kernel,
> and now things are pretty much all fine and groovy. But…
> I need to recompile a few things which need the kernel sources to be
> there. I got the kernel-2.4.20-4.ll.acpi.src.rpm. I followed the
> instructions on the planet-ccrma site but for some reason it will not
> build.
> I tried rpmbuild –ba kernel-2.4.20-4.ll.acpi.src.rpm, and that goes on
> compiling for maybe an hour, yet there are very many warnings (more
> than I would expect from recompiling a kernel), and the rpmbuild exits
> with errors, before creating an RPM or SRPM package. It does appear,
> however to create sources in /usr/src/linux-2.4.20-4.ll.acpi.
> I also checked that /usr/src/linux-2.4 is a link to
> /usr/src/linux-2.4.20-4.ll.acpi.
> Does anyone have any advice? I have a feeling that some things are
> left over from 2.4.20-9 that I had with the RH9 install, yet I don’t
> know where to look for them, and what obsolete files if any I can
> safely delete.
> Thanks!
> - martin
independent u.s. drum'n'bass -- http://vitriolix.com
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