[PlanetCCRMA] acpi kernel reboot errors

Carr Wilkerson carrlane at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Sep 8 19:42:01 PDT 2002

I have added the pci=noacpi as you have said.  It seems that there is a 
cache of the original failed boot process, because when I tried to reboot 
using the acpi kernel, it instantly went to the "PCI: using configuration 
type 1" line with out cycling through the preceding processes.  Hmmm...

To answer you question, it boots fine with the original RH 7.3 install I 
did yesterday.  When booting with this kernel, I noticed that the line 
after "PCI: using configuration type 1" was "PCI: Sharing IRQ5..."  This 
may or may not be important.  If I try the non-acpi planet kernel, then I 
assume that I have to go back and change the source.list and apt.conf 
files?  Oui?


thanks for you patience

On Sun, 8 Sep 2002, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

> > Well, unfortunately, when I tested the acpi kernel at reboot, it locked up 
> > during the reboot process after the following lines...
> > 
> > PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry 0xfd9b0, last bus=1
> > PCI: using configuration type 1
> > 
> > I have a feeling that I will be entering a new world here... 
> Ok, so maybe your sony does NOT need acpi. After all it did boot with the
> standard redhat kernel right? Sigh, don't know how you can know what will
> happpen beforehand. One simple thing to try would be to install the
> "normal" non-acpi planetccrma kernel and try that. Or try booting into the
> acpi kernel with pci=noacpi, to do that reboot, at the grub screen select
> the new kernel and type "e" (edit), go to the line that names the kernel
> (should be the longest) and type "e" again, at the end of the line add
> pci=noacpi, I think <escape> gets you our of editing mode and then type
> "b" (boot) and see what happens.
> -- Fernando

Carr L. Wilkerson, Jr.
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)

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