Carr Wilkerson carrlane at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Sep 8 14:10:10 PDT 2002

	Thanks for the incatation.  That helps.  When I run it though, it 
tells me "E: Couldn't find package kernel-up#2.4.19-2.11.acpi"
	I was also wondering if I have to reboot (windowz habit) after any 
of these apt-get install operations?


On Sun, 8 Sep 2002, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

> > 	I am ccrmalizing my VAIO laptop.  I am assuming that I need to 
> > install the special kernel.  Do I download (I am running 7.3, not 
> > downloaded from the red planet but from RH, only yesterday) the 
> > source-list7.3.lap and then do what with it?  Sorry, I'm a newbie.  I am 
> > working line by line down the planetccrma site.  I'm a bit confused since 
> > it doesn't have a .rpm attached to it.  Thanks.
> Hi Carr, good to see you trying to soft-land on Planet CCRMA... ;-)
> Anyway, once you have the source list copied to the proper place 
> (/etc/apt/sources.list) and also apt.conf you can do an "apt-get update" 
> to see if you can contact the repository and everything is working. Then 
> you can just jump to the kernel install page (if you don't want to update 
> to the latest redhat updates first - that could take a long time, depends 
> on what kind of connection you have). I just noticed I did not add an 
> install incantation for the acpi enabled kernel, that would be:
> apt-get install kernel-up#2.4.19-2.ll.acpi alsa-driver-2.4.19-2.ll.acpi 
> alsa-driver alsa-utils alsa-tools
> That should get the kernel and matching alsa drivers. Which Vaio do you 
> have? It might not be necessary to use the special kernel but I guess it 
> does not hurt either. Most probably you are the second person to try the 
> acpi kernel (hmm, maybe the third). It works for me on a GRX...
> Let us know how it works!
> -- Fernando
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Carr L. Wilkerson, Jr.
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)

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