[PlanetCCRMA] Re: PlanetCCRMA digest, Vol 1 #39 - 6 msgs

Carlos Figueiredo - Ritualnet carlosfigueiredo at ritualnet.pt
Wed Oct 9 06:40:07 PDT 2002

Hi Fernando,

Hope you had a good vacation!
I have a new toy on my PC, a Hoontech STA DSP 2000 c-port, wich seems a good
24/96 10chn piece of gear and affordable too.
Had absolutely no trouble installing in my Linux, but had to update
motherboard drivers in Win2000, but I finally managed to have it working
also in Windows with SBLive.
So now I have two soundcards installed. Alsaconf immediately recognised both
cards, but how should I configure both of them in
I've seen some examples at Alsa website and install files, but I'm not sure
about this particular combination.
Can you help out?



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