[PlanetCCRMA] MD5SUM available for ISO downloads?
Alex Timmer
mijn_troep at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 2 01:41:01 PDT 2002
hello again,
no respons on the MD5SUM so i have burned the cd's anyway and they
seem to work okay for me. the MD5SUMS that i created i put in an
attachment, to prevent typo's ;-)
hope this might be useful for other users. bye, ALEX
p.s. no, this is not a Linux screenshot, i only have the md5sum
program for DOS so i have to run it in M$ Windows
emulated-dos-terminal =)
--- Alex Timmer <mijn_troep at yahoo.com> wrote: > hello, also i am
about to try the 'planet ccrma' method, and will
> download the ISO images provided on the site. one thing i missed
> there are some form of MD5SUM or so, to check that the downloaded
> image is correctly transferred.
> so my question...are they somewhere available? is it possible to
> generate them and post them somewhere?
> i'm talking about redplanet-20020828-updates-7.3.img,
> redplanet-20020828-i386-7.3-up.img and so forth...
> thanks, ALEX
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