[PlanetCCRMA] Problems with 2.4.19-1.ll kernel

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Nov 12 10:15:02 PST 2002

> I'm installing the 2.4.19-1.ll kernel on RedHat 8.0, and am unable to
> boot into it once it's installed. I think the problem may lie with
> my Highpoint IDE RAID controller (as the rest of my hardware is pretty
> standard).
> Has anyone else had a similar problem (or know
> where I'm going wrong)? :-)

I don't think you are doing anything wrong. I think one other user had
problems with another raid controller (I think it was a Promise).
Apparently they need a newer version (or different version) of the raid
controller driver. I was hoping to upgrade to 2.4.20rc1 but that kernel
has problems with running jack and its clients, it locks hard... An
alternative for me would be to try to track what patches I would need to
upgrade that part only, but that would be (I assume) quite time

Sorry to not have better news. 
-- Fernando

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