[PlanetCCRMA] updated: snd, meterbridge

Joseph Zitt jzitt at metatronpress.com
Mon Dec 16 17:16:02 PST 2002

On 15 Dec 2002 16:06:16 -0800
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> wrote:

> * snd was updated to version 6.4-1
> * meterbridge was updated to version 0.9.0-1

I'm eager to be using more of this stuff, but right now I'm focusing on
trying to get the Oxygen 8 MIDI happening. Do I understand coorectly
that the ALSA drivers on the Planet remain at the version before the USB
MIDI was incorporated? I'd be pleased to learn that I'm wrong about
this... Failing that, could someone point me toward a simple description
of how to get at and use the CVS version? (I have never tried CVS, and
am a bit blurry on how it works.)

| jzitt at josephzitt.com                      http://www.josephzitt.com/ |
| GPG: A4224EFA                         http://www.mp3.com/josephzitt/ |
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