Mark Knecht markknecht at attbi.com
Tue Dec 10 14:05:02 PST 2002

On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 11:33, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> > 1) The patch didn't get applied, even though we think it did. Unlikely.
> I thought I may had made a mistake when updating the rpms on the web but
> I checked and they seem to be fine (maybe). Anyway, I rebuilt all the
> rpms after checking (by looking at the source) for the patched line
> after the patch was processed - so I know it is there. 
> Could you check what this gives you in your current install?
>   rpm -q --queryformat "%{NAME} %{ARCH}\n" alsa-driver-2.4.19-1.ll
> Is the value of arch i386?

alsa-driver-2.4.19-1.ll i686
[mark at Godzilla mark]$

I'm downloading and executing your instructions now.

I'll get back to you soon.

> Anyway, this what you could do at this point:
> 1) download the following rpms:
> in:
> http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/redhat/linux/planetedge/7.x/en/os/i386/
> alsa-driver-0.9.0-42.i386.rpm
> alsa-lib-0.9.0-42.i386.rpm
> alsa-utils-0.9.0-42.i386.rpm
> alsa-tools-0.9.0-42.i386.rpm
> in:
> http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/redhat/linux/planetedge/7.x/en/os/i686/
> alsa-driver-2.4.19-1.ll-0.9.0-42.i686.rpm
> 2) stop the driver: /etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound stop
> 3) erase all the rpms (all in one line):
> rpm -e --nodeps alsa-driver-2.4.19-1.ll alsa-driver alsa-lib alsa-utils
> alsa-tools
> 4) reinstall all rpms (all in one line):
> rpm -Uvh alsa-driver-2.4.19-1.ll-0.9.0-42.i686.rpm
> alsa-driver-0.9.0-42.i386.rpm alsa-lib-0.9.0-42.i386.rpm
> alsa-utils-0.9.0-42.i386.rpm alsa-tools-0.9.0-42.i386.rpm
> 5) restart the alsa driver: /etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound start
> -- Fernando

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