[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [ardour-dev] CVS commit (ardour needs newer gettext)

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Dec 6 13:32:01 PST 2002

> Taybin Rutkin <trutkin at physics.clarku.edu> wrote:
> > Added gettext support to gtk-ardour.  If you can compile libardour,
> > gtk-ardour shouldn't be a problem. 
> And for those of us who can't?
> I appreciate the fact that you're using Debian rather than RehHad and have
> a slightly different toolset, but I use RedHat because the Planet CCRMA
> stuff makes getting the environment so much easier than building everything
> from scratch, including a kernel.

As of a moment ago Planet CCRMA users that want to compile Ardour have a
new version of gettext available in the repository, just "apt-get
update", "apt-get install gettext" as usual :-)

I have not finished compiling a fresh ardour cvs download (under redhat
8.0) but it seems to be chugging along nicely. 

-- Fernando

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