[PlanetCCRMA] ssm

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Dec 5 17:20:02 PST 2002

> >> I have a spiral synth modular package that is much more up to date
> >> than the one in the repository. What is the appropriate way for me to
> >> contribute it?
> >
> > I guess you could send me the source rpm. I see 0.1.1 still is (or seems
> > to be) the latest in their web site. Is your package based on cvs?
> My package is based on CVS. Do you have a policy about that?

Not really, I try to avoid cvs when I can. I was waiting for a
"stablish" release of ssm myself (to be able to use jack). It looked
like it was getting close. 

> If you like, I can bug Dave to release "stablish" 0.2.x tarballs.

Sure, that would be better. If there is no positive response we could
use cvs, I guess. 

-- Fernando

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