[PlanetCCRMA] Redhat Vs. Mandrake

Mark Knecht mknecht at controlnet.com
Wed Dec 4 08:08:02 PST 2002

I've heard from a pretty knowledgeable RH/Mandrake guy that he has no
problems using most RH RPMs on his Mandrake boxes without any changes. I was
mostly curious whether anyone else here was trying that with the Planet
RPMs. I have ABSOLUTELY no interest in creating a Mandrake Version of the
Planet. RH is fine with me.

Going forward though it is my understanding that RH is sort of killing off
the KDE environment post 8.0. If this is true it will effect some of my
other home machines, as I'm converting my wife and kid to Linux. They both
like KDE and I seem to be able to make the system work well for them using
it. I had more trouble with Gnome doing that.

And I can always build KDE anyway, even if RH was to totally drop it.


-----Original Message-----
From: planetccrma-admin at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
[mailto:planetccrma-admin at ccrma.Stanford.EDU]On Behalf Of Fernando Pablo
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 5:30 PM
To: Mark Knecht
Cc: PlanetCCRMA
Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Redhat Vs. Mandrake

>    Since Mandrake is generically pretty close to Redhat, I was wondering
> anyone (Steve Harris maybe?) is using Mandrake successfully with the
> RPMs?

Nobody that I know off. It would be possible to "port" Planet CCRMA to
run on top of Mandrake, and most probably it would not be that hard.

Most probably the worst problems would be the kernel and alsa drivers. I
think the latest Mandrake uses alsa 0.9 so that part may be easy.
Generating kernel rpms would be the next thing to consider.

The rest of the apps should not be that hard, except that most probably
the source rpms would have to be patched to recognize the distribution
they are being compiled for so that, for example, proper menu entries
can be created (see the snd spec file for an example), explicit package
dependencies can be renamed if the Mandrake names do not match and so on
and so forth. Again, not difficult but a lot of work.

-- Fernando

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