[PlanetCCRMA] pd externals: gem, iemlib, zexy

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Aug 18 12:47:01 PDT 2002

Hi all, I'm working on finding useful Pd externals. So far I have added:
  * iemlib
  * zexy
As usual, "apt-get install iemlib zexy" will install them (after an 
"apt-get update", of course). URLs in the Planet CCRMA pages.

I have also updated Gem to its last version (0.87) and I have added 
quicktime4linux support. The Gem examples that use movies now work 
correctly (well, almost, I have some problems with regards to OpenGL but 
that might be due to the video card I have tested on). 

-- Fernando

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