[PhDs] [Grads] Music 320D, Audio Signal Processing Tutorial

Mark Rau mrau at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Aug 16 11:12:19 PDT 2022

Hi all,

Happy summer, and for the incoming students, welcome to CCRMA, I look
forward to meeting you! I'm Mark, a 6th-year PhD student working on musical
acoustics and physical modeling.

Next year, we are trying out a tutorial session to help with Music 320
(audio signal processing) which I will be running. Music 320 is pretty math
and programming heavy which can be a bit daunting for some of us since we
all come from wildly different backgrounds and have varying amounts of
recent exposure to the materials. The idea of the tutorial (Music 320D
is to meet once a week or so and go over some material that will help with
320, and it will be tailored to individual needs. The idea is that it could
either be taken before or alongside Music 320 (depending if you plan to
take 320 in the first or second year).

If you are interested, I'm happy to answer any questions about 320D
specifically, or anything else related to CCRMA/Stanford etc.

Mark Rau

P.s. I will also be teaching a course on Musical Acoustics in the Winter.
I'm pretty excited about this and think it will be a fun class. I'll share
more details about the class in the coming months.
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