[LAC-19] Acceptance E-mail for Music Submission

Romain Michon rmichon at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Jan 16 16:08:05 PST 2019

Hey Constantin,

Feel free to send the acceptance e-mail for the music portion of the
conference. The email should be sent through openconf so that when people
reply to it, it goes to the right email (we can do this together if you're
not sure about this).

Make sure that you include the following at the bottom of your email
(please correct any potential typo):

*Conference Registration*

Registration to LAC is free! To register to the conference as a
presenter/performer, please reply to this e-mail and provide the following

- The names of the people associated to your submission that will be
physically present at the conference (e.g., you, any co-author/performer,
- The names of the people associated with your submission who wish to book
a food/drinks ticket for the "club/party" (see below).

*Club Night*

The LAC-19 club night will take place on March 25, 2019 at 7pm in the CCRMA
courtyard. It will feature music from members of the community in a
"club/party setting". There will a BBQ and soft and alcoholic beverages
will be served.

This event is free and anyone can attend to it. However, if you wish to get
access to the food and drinks, you must book a ticket (flat rate: $25) by
replying to this e-mail (see "Conference Registration" above). You'll pay
for your ticket upon check-in at the conference. You'll get a bracelet in
return that will give you access to the bar and BBQ.

*Preparing for Your Trip*

Information on how to get to Stanford has been posted on the conference
website: https://lac.linuxaudio.org/2019/#traveling

If you need us to write you a letter of invitation for any potential
VISA/travel grant application, feel free to ask us and we'll do it ASAP.

We'll get back to you whenever the conference program is ready. In the
meantime, we remain at your disposal, should you have any question.


I've made some updates to the website to reflect these changes:


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