[LAC-19] Templates // Website // CfP

Romain Michon rmichon at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Sep 6 02:11:33 PDT 2018

Hi everyone,

I just updated the website and I think it's almost ready:
https://lac.linuxaudio.org/2019/, can you double check it to make sure that
there's no typo/mistake?

I completely rewrote the LAC template:

Can you check that as well? I printed all versions (Latex and LibreOffice)
to check the margins, etc. and it all seems correct.

I think we should send the CfP as soon as possible even if the submission
portal is not ready yet. Frank, can you check the CfP to make sure that it
matches the way the submission portal will be configured? As far as I
understand for now, there will be 2 separate portals for music and papers.
Within the paper one, there will be 3 categories for posters, papers and
workshops, correct? Constantin Basica (who's on the list) will take care of
managing the music portal once you set it up.

Thanks again everyone and don't forget to respond to my previous e-mail! ;)


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