[LAC-19] We have a go!

Romain Michon rmichon at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Aug 26 06:11:47 PDT 2018

Hi everyone,

After talking to a fair number of people in the LAC community, I can
officially say that we have a go to organize LAC at CCRMA in 2019!! Sorry
this took a while, but getting answers from people was kind of complicated,
mostly because of vacations in August in Europe. Anyway, we should get
balls rolling now. I suggest we have a Skype meeting this coming week to
talk about all this. Please, respond to this survey to indicate your
availability: https://www.when2meet.com/?7023918-yAKiL

A few things we should talk about during this meeting:

To save time, I started putting together a website for the conference that
you can see here for now: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~rmichon/lac19/

Let me know what you think! I'm sure there are a few typos, so some
feedback would be really appreciated.

I think there's still some work to be done on the CfP. I'll put Frank
Neumann in the loop to see what he thinks about it. The source code of the
website is also on the LAC-19 git repo. I'll also ask Frank to take care of
setting up the submission portal. I think he's pretty used to this process
so it should be quick for him.

Ideally, we should send the CfP sometimes next week, which means that the
website should be online on https://lac.linuxaudio.org by then. Nando, do
you know who to contact to get this done?

I still need to work on the templates. I put the templates from last year
on the git repo:
We could be lazy and just change the dates, the paper size, etc. or we
could start over ;). I always found the lac templates to look old and
outdated. Perhaps we could do some lifting here? For IFC (Faust
conference), we reused the Dafx templates and I must say that I really like
them. Any thoughts on this?

Beside all this, we should also start talking about more technical things
(e.g., funding, video streaming, etc.).

Looking forward to see you all on Skype this week!


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