[Grads] Call for Summer Workshops 2022

Nette Worthey networth at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Jan 12 11:04:22 PST 2022

Greetings, all!

I hope you all remain well and happy in our current circumstances. Will we be able to have workshops in person this summer? I sure hope so, and I think it is a possibility, but we also need to be prepared to shift to remote teaching and learning should the conditions warrant. I welcome your thoughts on planning and reasonable timing for making the call to change formats, while also reminding you that we will have to abide by the county (university, state, federal) restrictions (and that we can choose to be more restrictive if we wish).

Please let me know:
A) if you're interested in teaching a workshop (include a working title of that workshop) in summer 2022;
B) what format your workshop would work best (online, or in person), and if you’d be able to and interested in adjusting it one way or the other if conditions change; and
C) the approximate dates you would like to teach.

Summer session this year is from June 13 through August 26, although it *may* be possible to schedule into September, particularly if you’re offering your workshop online or hybrid. Send me your info and a rough abstract, particularly if this is a new or substantially reworked offering, ASAP. We can be flexible and creative with scheduling if things are mostly remote, although avoiding concurrent offerings is always preferred. Send me your ideas and let’s see what we can work out!

To remind you, last year's offerings <https://ccrma.stanford.edu/workshops> (all of which were online) were:

Designing Physical Interactions for Music
Bach in Max/MSP
Distributed Arts Collective
Algorithmic Composition with Max/MSP and Open Music
Accessible and Inclusive Design for Music Making
Audio Plugins with Faust and JUCE
Computer-Assisted Composition with Python
Intro to Music Information Retrieval 1 & 2
Supercollider Workshop
Gestural Music-Making in Max/MSP



I am on campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and working from home Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I may be able to meet in person Mondays and Fridays, by special arrangement.
Nette Worthey
CCRMA Administrator
Dept. of Music, Stanford
660 Lomita Dr.
Stanford CA 94305
networth at ccrma.stanford.edu
415.425.6153 (mobile)
650.723.4971 x320
650.723.8468 fax

pronouns: she/her

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