[Grads] CCRMA resumes (limited) drop-in access and self-serve room reservations

Matt Wright matt at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Jun 14 14:26:12 PDT 2021

Greeting CCRMA grad students!

I’m happy to announce the end of the COVID policy that has personally cost me the most mouse clicks: approval of room reservation requests.  Starting tomorrow we will be back to drop-in use of common areas and self-serve bookings (while looking at everybody else’s) for the reservable rooms.

1.  Still only approved researchers have building access.  If you would like to become an approved researcher (and therefore have your keycard (re)activated) we are still using the CCRMA Urgent Access Needs form <https://forms.gle/NJRP9AFMjXAFA4t28>, but at this point you could read “urgent” as “legitimate”; we no longer have a mandate to do all possible work from home.  

2. Still everyone who enters the building must “swipe" their keycard, even if coming in through an open door or behind another person, etc.  (The door doesn’t need to close behind the first person as long as the next person also makes the keycard reader beep.)  If you also hold a metal key please use your keycard on exterior doors.  This gives us logs we can use for contact tracing if necessary.  

3. Still CCRMA requires 6 foot physical distancing (along with masks, hand hygiene, etc.), but starting tomorrow that is the only limit on room occupancy.  One major change is that it is now your responsibility as building users to self-enforce on the honor system; we will no longer manage reservation approvals to ensure low building density.  

4. Approved building users will again be able to drop in unscheduled to “common” rooms <https://ccrma.stanford.edu/docs/rooms.html> such as Ballroom, Lounge, Museum, GCS, RHQ…. (Again self-enforcing distancing limits.)

5. Approved building users will again be able to reserve time in the reservable rooms using our pre-COVID CCRMA Meeting Room Booking System aka MRBS aka https://ccrma.stanford.edu/rooms aka the “Room Booking” link from the CCRMA home page.

6. In lieu of continuing as “gatekeepers” who must explicitly approve each reservation, Nette and I will instead for the time being *monitor* the reservations, making sure that people with building access are reserving spaces they have a reason to use, or checking in with them otherwise.

7. The physical condition of The Knoll is currently a work-in-progress as we begin to make preparations for Fall.  Before opening to the general campus population (at least to those who will take CCRMA classes) we will re-test all shared facilities and reduce the amount of clutter, half-finished projects, etc.; for now summer access is only for “CCRMA students” with a plea for you to be tolerant of (and/or help with) these various imperfections.  Please report (e.g., by emailing me) any non-obvious issues we need to be aware of.

8.  No other *CCRMA* COVID policies will change this week.  Tomorrow the entire state is going to start pretending that the pandemic is essentially over, and Stanford’s several changes will include going back to letting the general public into the *outdoors* of the campus, but each *building* will continue to have its own policies for access and everything else.  For sure nothing will change at The Knoll unless you hear from me (nor at Braun unless you hear from Bryan).

Again I remind you of the importance of continuing to obey masking, hand hygiene, physical distancing, healthcheck, and all our other COVID policies (spelled out in detail as part of the access approval process); it is thanks to the continued good behavior of CCRMAlites with building access that we have been able to use The Knoll and to make the changes this email announces.

Thanks for reading; looking forward to seeing and hearing you in high-fidelity low-latency 3D from 6+ feet away at The Knoll!


CCRMA Technical Director
650-723-4971 x304
Pronouns:  he, his, him

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