[CM] bug-report: crash in snd-motif.scm - 'XLoadQueryFont'

bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Dec 14 06:10:22 PST 2023

I think this is the same problem that Kenneth Flak
reported in July.  Here's a portion of my reply:

"... In snd-motif.scm, there are two uses
of the font "9x15" -- this is a very old (but very good)
fixed width font that may now be relegated to the
X miscellaneous fonts package.  You may have
to install it by hand, xorg-x11-fonts-misc in
Fedora.  I need to add some other choice there ..."

It looks like I fixed the first of the two cases, but
forgot the second.

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