[CM] bug-report: crash in snd-motif.scm - 'XLoadQueryFont'

Anders Vinjar anders at avinjar.no
Thu Dec 14 04:44:14 PST 2023

Hi all!

When i (require snd-motif.scm) my snd crashes.

Seems to break during the call to XLoadQueryFont inside 'make-sound-box'

;;; down in in snd-motif.scm, the 'XLoadQueryFont' - thing breaks snd

  (define make-sound-box 
    ;; graphics stuff (fonts etc)
    (let*  ((gv (XGCValues))
	    (shell ((main-widgets) 1))
	    (button-fontstruct (XLoadQueryFont (XtDisplay shell) 
					       (if (> (length *listener-font*) 0) 

My snd sometimes complains - "can't find listener font 9x15" in other
contexts - but it doesn't crash.

Any suggesions?


This is Snd version 23.9 of 27-Nov-23:
    s7: 10.7 (27-Nov-2023), Xen: 4.3
    Sndlib 24.8 (5-Oct-21)
    CLM 6.19 (17-Nov-18)
    GSL 2.7.1
    Motif 2.3.4 X11R6
    xm: 6-Nov-20
    Xpm 3.4.11
    Compiled Dec  1 2023 10:19:59
    C: gcc 13.2
    Linux 6.6.3-100.fc38.x86_64 x86_64

	'(snd-23.9 snd23 snd audio snd-s7 snd-motif gsl jack alsa xm clm6 clm sndlib gcc linux autoload dlopen system-extras overflow-checks ieee-float
	complex-numbers ratios s7-10.7 s7)


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