[CM] Unicode support

Rudolf Adamkovič salutis at me.com
Mon May 23 04:18:46 PDT 2022

bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU writes:

> Currently you need to do the unicode encoding of the
> bytes by hand, and send them to the terminal:
> (format *stderr* (string #\xe2 #\x96 #\xa0))

Interesting!  Thank you, and I apologize for a late reply.  Unfortunately, we
cannot use the terminal because we use s7 in a heavily sandboxed mobile
application.  Do you know of any other way?  We just need to send a Unicode
string across, from s7 to C to Swift.  Thank you!

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Rudolf Adamkovič <salutis at me.com> [he/him]
Studenohorská 25
84103 Bratislava

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