[CM] Question for writing tutorials about S7 environments

Michael Edwards m at michael-edwards.org
Thu Jan 14 01:39:52 PST 2021

Hello Iain, related but not so closely: I’ve been doing Max<—>Common Lisp communication since about 2013. This merely uses OSC to communicate between the two, but I’ve found it very stable and with no noticeable time lags (i.e. passing stuff from Max to Lisp and back feels no different to passing data to a Max abstraction). Here’s an overview: http://michael-edwards.org/sc/manual/osc.html

Best, Michael

Michael Edwards

Professor of Electronic Composition
Institute for Computer Music and Electronic Media
Folkwang University of the Arts
p:	+49 1520 33 97 27 8
a:	Klemensborn 39
 	45239 Essen, Germany
w:	www.michael-edwards.org  
e: 	michael.edwards at folkwang-uni.de

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