[CM] Freeing up s7 instances & memory

Woody Douglass wdouglass at carnegierobotics.com
Tue Sep 8 06:19:05 PDT 2020


Here's a copy of the patch i put on this list back in May. It's against svn revision 804. I've been running that version since mid-May.

Good luck!
Woody Douglass

On 2020-09-08 09:12:27-04:00 cmdist-bounces at ccrma.Stanford.EDU wrote:

Indeed the instances could be reused, but that would imply
using a common mutex amongst the running threads for any
s7 operation (right?).
What I need in my case is truly parallel instances doing their own thing.
I'm glad to hear that Woody has some sort of a solution.
I hope it gets merged at some point, but I also hope for a solution
in the future that frees not most but *all* of s7's memory :)
Any chance I could see this code? By curiosity and to see if I could
slowly get some understanding of the inner workings of s7.

On Tue, 8 Sep 2020 at 01:06, <bil at ccrma.stanford.edu<mailto:bil at ccrma.stanford.edu>> wrote:
You're right that free(sc) does not free much.  Woody Douglass
sent me code to free most of s7's memory -- the main thing
is the heap -- but I haven't tackled merging it into my
version of s7 yet.  I think s7 instances can be reused --
just keep all your stuff in a sublet of rootlet, then
set it to #f, but it would be better to actually clean up.

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