[CM] Grace 3.10.0 is available

Taube, Heinrich K taube at illinois.edu
Mon Jun 19 19:12:21 PDT 2017

Grace 3.10.0 is available for download at https://sourceforge.net/projects/commonmusic/

The primary focus of this release was to update the code base to the latest versions of JUCE (v5.0.1), S7 (5.1), and Sndlib (24).  The main new feature I’ve added is a complete reimplemention of OSC support using new JUCE 5 features so that sending and receiving OSC will now work in all ports of CM without any external dependancies.  See the changeling for a full list of additions and fixes.

Ive built and uploaded the Mac version of Grace, its on source forge in the file Grace-3.10.0-osx.zip.  Moving forward I intend to be more active with CM development again but I am going to rely on other people to build a windows executable and make sure the app compiles and runs on linux.  ill reintegerate whatever changes are needed back into the repository to support those platforms.

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