[CM] problem with list construction for rhythms

Nikolaj Tollenaar nikoltoll at gmail.com
Sat Jun 17 11:48:12 PDT 2017

Hello Heinrich,

This is really puzzling! After running your version, it also works with me,
and all my other versions of make-rhy-list work too. After some time, the
behaviour returns and I get the sound as attached.

That is really bizarre, because this afternoon I already tried the
following function, to no avail:

(define (make-rhy-list length)
   ;; chooses random groupings of values (more general)
        (loop with rhy = (list) repeat length
               (set! rhy (append rhy (pick '((1/4 1/4)
                                   (1/3 1/3 1/3)
                                   (1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8)
                                   (1/16 1/16 1/8 1/16 1/8 1/16 1/8)
                                   (1/2 1/2)))))
               finally (return rhy)))

I also tried different midi outputs, and that does not seem to inluence the

This is really hard to test, so I will stick with your version of

Thank you for your help,


2017-06-17 15:22 GMT+02:00 Taube, Heinrich K <taube at illinois.edu>:

> Hi Nikolaj, ive run your example and it works for me, so offhand I’m not
> sure what the issue might be.  Im on a mac and you are on windows, but i
> can’t see what difference that would make.  Since you think it has
> something to do with concat, as a test Ive rewritten your make-rhy-list
> function to avoid ‘concat’ . Try this version and tell me if it works.  On
> my mac both your version and my version of 'make-rhy-list ‘ work fine so
> lets see what happens on your machine.
> best, Rick
> (define (play-pattern pat rhy times tmpo ampl)
>   ;; plays pattern times times, with tempo tmpo and amplitude ampl:
>   (let* ((dur (in-tempo 1/4 tmpo)))
>     (process repeat times
>              for x = (next pat)
>              for y = (next rhy)
>              do
>              (if (number? x)
>                  (mp:midi :key x :dur dur :amp (* ampl (pick .9 .95 1
> .85))))
>              (wait (in-tempo y tmpo))
>              )))
> ;; NEW VERSION of make-rhy-list avoids concat
> ​​
> (define (make-rhy-list length)
>   ;; chooses random groupings of values
>   (loop repeat length
>         append (pick '((1/4 1/4)
>                        (1/3 1/3 1/3)
>                        (1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8)
>                        (1/16 1/16 1/8 1/16 1/8 1/16 1/8)
>                        (1/2 1/2)))))
> (define rhy-lst1 (make-rhy-list 20))
> (sprout (play-pattern (make-cycle '(70 72 80 88)) (make-cycle rhy-lst1)
> 160 115 0.9))
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