[CM] Snd 16.9

Tito Latini tito.01beta at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 06:50:12 PDT 2016

Thanks to you.

> checked: FC 25, gtk 3.21.6 3.22.0|1, sbcl 1.3.10
>   in gtk 3.22.0, the basic display mechanism changed again(!) so
>   (at least today) the window-manager close decoration is messed up,
>   and I probably missed other troubles -- please let me know
>   as you encounter them.

With gtk+3-3.18.9, if I resize the window, the PANE_BOX (with the buttons
[ ]unite [ ]sync etc) is over the SND_PANE.

The child is added with gtk_paned_add1() and it is equivalent to

    gtk_paned_pack1(paned, child, false, true)

If we set the argument "shrink" to "false", that problem seems fixed:

--- snd-16/snd-gsnd.c~	2016-10-24 15:23:54.123610733 +0200
+++ snd-16/snd-gsnd.c	2016-10-24 15:24:15.375343563 +0200
@@ -1587,7 +1587,7 @@
       PANE_BOX(sp) = gtk_vbox_new(false, 0);
-      gtk_paned_add1(GTK_PANED(SND_PANE(sp)), PANE_BOX(sp));
+      gtk_paned_pack1(GTK_PANED(SND_PANE(sp)), PANE_BOX(sp), false, false);
       NAME_HBOX(sp) = gtk_hbox_new(false, 0);

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