[CM] Snd 16.9

bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Oct 23 16:50:26 PDT 2016

Snd 16.9:

Anders Vinjar provided tankrev.scm
Tito Latini fixed a bug in clm's tap generator (discovered by AV).

Snd: removed snd13.scm

s7: make-keyword -> string->keyword

checked: FC 25, gtk 3.21.6 3.22.0|1, sbcl 1.3.10
   in gtk 3.22.0, the basic display mechanism changed again(!) so
   (at least today) the window-manager close decoration is messed up,
   and I probably missed other troubles -- please let me know
   as you encounter them.

Thanks!:  Anders Vinjar, IOhannes m zm<F6>lnig, Tito Latini.

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