[CM] Can't save new files

Philippe de Rochambeau phiroc at free.fr
Tue May 20 06:32:54 PDT 2014

Hi Heinrich,

Here’s how I have been doing it so far.

What I am trying it to is is to play a bf4 for a beat and a half (assuming there are 60 beats/minute), a c5 for 1/2 a beat, while playing « metro[nome] » beats every second.

The problem with this approach is that it is hard to keep track of aggregated time (time 0 + 1.5 second + 0.5 second rest = 2 seconds, which means that the second piano note should start at time 2, etc.)

I will trying rewriting my code using a loop and lists, using a variable to compute aggregated time.



mp:instruments(1, 77)

  ; time, dur, key, amp, chan
  ; g4 -> bf4
  mp:midi(key: keynum("bf4"), chan: 0, dur: 1.5, time: 0) 
  ; metro
  mp:midi(key: keynum("c0"), chan: 1, dur: 1, time: 0) 
  ; a4 -> c5
  mp:midi(key: keynum("c5"), chan: 0, dur: .5, time: 2)
  ; metro
  mp:midi(key: keynum("c0"), chan: 1, dur: 1, time: 1) 


Le 20 mai 2014 à 15:07, Heinrich Taube <taube at illinois.edu> a écrit :

> On May 20, 2014, at 7:44 AM, Philippe de Rochambeau <phiroc at free.fr> wrote:
>> Hi Heinrich,
>> setting the Working Directory did the trick.
>> Many thanks.
>> Philippe
> Terrific, ill try to figure out how to fix this as soon as i have some time!
> about the midi tracks, there are a few ways you could create 'tracks' of data...
> the most obvious would be to simply use your Mac's 'IAC Application Bus' to send your midi output  to an app like Logic or Garage Band, then use that apps to edit the sequence(s) however you want.  To do this set your your Midi Out port in Grace to your Mac's "IAC Application Bus" , then inside  Logic or Garage Band set its input port to "IAC Application Bus". You can send your midi data to sibelius or Finale (or any other app you want) using the same mechanism.
> another way to create 'tracks'  of midi information would be to simply compute lists of midi data, where each list represents a track:
> ; create a function that makes packets of midi data
> (define  (mymidi time dur keyn amp chan)
>  (list time dur keyn amp chan))
> ; now compute a track of midi data...
> (define mytrack1
>  (loop repeat 100
>        for rhy = (pick .2 .4 .8)
>        for start = 0 then (+ start rhy)
>        collect (mymidi start rhy (between 30 90) .5 0)))
> once you have 'tracks' of data you can output them to midi files, or graph them in a plot window, whatever
>> Le 20 mai 2014 à 14:28, Heinrich Taube <taube at illinois.edu> a écrit :
>>> Hello Philippe this hasnt happened to me but i think someone else contacted me about it 
>>> to see if its the same issue, try this:
>>> 1.	In the File menu , select  "Set Working Directory…"
>>> 2.  	In the dialog window that opens, select a directory, for example your desktop or home directory 
>>> 3.    Then create a new edit window, add some text and try to save it.  
>>> tell me if this works.
>>> If this fixes it, I think this may have to do with the "hygenic sandbox" that apple wrap all app store apps in.   I must need to set the working directory differently when the app starts up, but I haven had any time at all in the last 2 months to look into it, ill have some time in mid june when I can try to figure it out.
>>> in the 
>>> On May 20, 2014, at 6:59 AM, Philippe de Rochambeau <phiroc at free.fr> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I can’t create new sal files in Grace 3.9 for Mac (lisp files only) and lisp files can’t be saved.
>>>> Is this a known bug?
>>>> Many thanks.
>>>> Philippe
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