[CM] Fomus on Ubuntu

Joel Matthys jwmatthys at yahoo.com
Wed May 14 12:36:52 PDT 2014

Hello Andrés.

1. Yes, in order to use FOMUS you must compile from source.
2. You must use premake4. In fact I believe you must have premake4.4, 
not premake4.3
3. Your error message indicates that you are missing libraries. 
Xcursor.h is in libxcursor-dev, but I suspect you need to install 
xorg-dev and it will carry all of these supporting libraries with it.
A good way to figure out missing libraries is to install apt-file:
   sudo apt-get install apt-file
   apt-file update
   apt-file find Xcursor.h

Good luck!

On 05/14/2014 01:13 PM, AndrésFernández wrote:
> David Psenicka <dpsenick at ...> writes:
>> Is libfomus.so in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib?  Grace looks for libfomus.so
> in the following places on Linux:
>> the path specified when Grace is compiled
>> the directories in the system library path
>> /usr/local/lib  (Ubuntu doesn't seem to recognize this directory as a
> system library directory by default, but Grace still looks in there)
>> /usr/lib
>> If you type `fomus -O' at the command line and it spits out a list of
> names and descriptions, then the fomus library itself is installed properly
> and should be working correctly (the fomus executable needs to be in your path).
>> On Sun, 2010-12-05 at 11:11 -0500, Joel Matthys wrote:
>>      I can't get FOMUS to work with the new Grace on Ubuntu 10.04.
>>      When I open the example file and try to evaluate the first example, I get
>>      >>> Error: Fomus: can't find FOMUS library
>>      >>> Error: don't know how to open "fomus.ly"
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> Hi everyone,
> I'm trying to install from source Common Music 3.9 on my Ubuntu 14.04.
> I have succesfully installed the release 3.8 from this webpage, as a
> standalone binary:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/comm...u.zip/download
> it works perfectly, but it doesn't recognice my FOMUS libraries. I also get
> this error when trying to export:
>>>> Error: Fomus: can't find FOMUS library
>>>> Error: don't know how to open "fomus.ly"
> I managed to compile FOMUS, install it and test it from the terminal; it
> seems to work fine so that may not be the problem.
> I have also checked that libfomus.so file is in /usr/lib.
> So compiling Grace 3.9 from source might be the solution...
> I downloaded the tarball from the official webpage:
> http://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/
> and followed the respective instructions:
> http://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/cm/readme.text
> It didn't work: make returns this error:
> juce/modules/juce_gui_basics/juce_gui_basics.cpp:127:35: fatal error:
> X11/Xcursor/Xcursor.h: No such file or directory
> #include <X11/Xcursor/Xcursor.h>
> ^
> I grepped for include, Xcursor, etc... and no answer. I don't know where to
> look to fix this issue, but, as suggested in this solved post
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1281658
> it might be a problem from "premake": User mjerting suggests to "use Premake
> 3.7, NOT Premake4.".
> I couldn't trick the premake4.lua file to work with premake 3.7, and I'm not
> confident that i'm gonna get it on the short term, or at all...
> So my question is
> -How can it be posible to make it work with premake3?
> -Do I have missing libraries?
> -Maybe getting an older version in order to get the FOMUS libraries working?
> -Do I miss any stupid button, or some other solution?
> I really appreciate your help, I study composition and am really noob in
> such themes.
> Thanks in advance and best regards
> Andres
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