[CM] tonight's SVN update

Heinrich Taube taube at illinois.edu
Sun Jan 12 08:38:20 PST 2014

> The player zips through 
> the WAV file with no sound, I didn't note an error message but I'll look 
> closer during more tests.

not sure exactly which code you were testing, but there was a typo in the definition below (clm.sal) that  had "egree:" instead of "degree:"  which caused an error so the output file (test.wav) was empty.  There was an error message but its sometimes hard to tell what console message belongs with what result.

process gong(num, dur, freq, amp, loc, dist, rev)
  repeat num
  for frq = between(freq, freq * 3)
  wave( elapsed(#t), dur, frq, amp,
        ampenv: {0 0 1 1 10 .5 40 .2 100 0},
        reverb: rev,
        degree: loc,
        dist: dist)

the typo is already fixed in  svn (rev 2116)

On Jan 11, 2014, at 7:00 PM, Heinrich Taube <taube at illinois.edu> wrote:

>> Updated SVN code for CM/Grace 3.9.0, build was perfectly clean, no errors, with FOMUS and CLM support. 
> hooray! was  oscpack included? (in not then you may have to do a 'premake4 clean' before you do a premake4 --with-oscpack …)
> I not sure whats up with the player yet -- it might be that on linux a .snd file is being written and juce player doesn't  provide a reader for that format. for that reason i try to default to writing .wav files everywhere since all players handle it but i might have missed something
> ill take a look tomorrow, thanks for the testing!
>> The player zips through 
>> the WAV file with no sound, I didn't note an error message but I'll look 
>> closer during more tests.

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