[CM] linux-port of OpenMusic

anders.vinjar at bek.no anders.vinjar at bek.no
Tue Oct 29 15:17:09 PDT 2013

    R> I think that's not really a viable solution. At least libcelt
    R> isn't even currently available in Debian stable/testing.

Then i guess your libjack doesnt need it?

The jack-api in use in OM is very simple, and doesnt rely on anything
outside jack.h

    R> BTW, any chance to get a 64bit version? 

If you provide me with a 'enterprise'-license for lw (= 3 times the
price of the 'pro'-license :-/ )

    R> I'm not shure a 32bit libjack will play nicely with a 64bit
    R> jackd.

It usually does.  What troubles do you see?

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