[CM] slime cm-2.10 and ASDF

Ralf Mattes rm at seid-online.de
Tue Aug 6 14:52:40 PDT 2013

On Tue, Aug 06, 2013 at 04:27:36PM -0500, Heinrich Taube wrote:
> the file that rewrites scheme into common lisp is src/stocl.lisp  -- its not part of asdf. 

No, but unless I'm totally wrong, it get's called from within cm.asd. Unfortunately, there's a lot of
Lisp that gets run just by loadinge cm.asd file. Asdf tries hard to become more declarative - i.e. a system just describes
the components and dependenies, it doesn't build them. It also tries to separate build- and use-time. As an example: I've some code
that tries to create dependency graphs for systems. To do so, I need to walk all systems available - every time I do so, cm.asd starts
compiling some code.

> its pure vanilla common lisp and should work in any cl that's remotely sane, there's not one #+ in that file!

Yes, pretty impressive. I think the way to proceed would be to put that transformer into an independent asdf system and make
that system a build-depend for cm2. 

>  so i would just throw out cm.asd except for ideas and the dependancies it lays out and rewrite it for the modern world and asdf3 (?).

After factoring out the scheme->lisp transformer, that's what I intend to do.

> there should be no need of Tobias's cm.sh anymore, though to my mind it remains an awesome display of script-foo

Awsome, but extremly brittle. Who is using prebuild cm applications/images? (This is a serious question. I'd be willing
to write up some how-to that describes how to build standalones, but I can only do this for the open source Lisps I
have running on my system [SBCL, CCL, CLISP & CMUCL]).  

Cheers, RalfD

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