[CM] slime cm-2.10 and ASDF

Heinrich Taube taube at illinois.edu
Tue Aug 6 14:27:36 PDT 2013

the file that rewrites scheme into common lisp is src/stocl.lisp  -- its not part of asdf.  its pure vanilla common lisp and should work in any cl that's remotely sane, there's not one #+ in that file!  so i would just throw out cm.asd except for ideas and the dependancies it lays out and rewrite it for the modern world and asdf3 (?). there should be no need of Tobias's cm.sh anymore, though to my mind it remains an awesome display of script-foo

On Aug 6, 2013, at 3:37 PM, Ralf Mattes <rm at seid-online.de> wrote:

> . That's one of
> the magic tricks the asdf file does. Does your PWGL-Lisp produce
> fasl-files?

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