[CM] beta3 (osc, backtrace, etc)

Joel Matthys jwmatthys at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 5 19:36:22 PDT 2013

Never mind, solved it by updating to premake4.4.


On 08/05/2013 07:15 AM, Heinrich Taube wrote:
> a new beta of cm3.9.0 is available
> mac:
> 	http://camil.music.illinois.edu/software/grace/Grace-3.9.0-beta3-osx.zip
> win:
> 	http://camil.music.illinois.edu/software/grace/Grace-3.9.0-beta3-win32.zip
> src:
> 	http://camil.music.illinois.edu/software/grace/cm-3.9.0-beta3.zip
> 1 error handler now includes s7's stacktrace so you get some useful information about functions and variable values when you hit an error. thank you bill! ( if you don't like debugging help you can turn it off in the Eval menu)
> 2  completely refactored cm's OSC code so it can use implementations  other than liblo.
> 3  osc connections now shown in the audio menu and are managed like the midi connections
> 4 rewrote osc examples  (scheme and sal) to use supercollider 3.5 as the example app and added more about receive
> 5 fixed bug that mis-reported sample rate  for clm, added a few more items in the report.
> 6. audiofile player now provides information about the sound files it plays -- hover your mouse over the little "?" icon at the bottom of the player and the info will pop up . the player currently handles wav and aiff.
> 7. fixed typos in doc, started example files house cleaning
> if you build from svn be sure to delete your existing sndlib folder so it'll pull the latest sndlib with bill's stack tracing additions.
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