[CM] Grace, clm, s7, srate

James Hearon j_hearon at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 3 17:17:49 PDT 2013


Using (set! *clm-srate* 48000), shows 48000 in the Grace console
but when I sprout, the console shows Srate: 44100.0 and 
resulting .wav file has a 44.1KHz, 16bit header.
Seems like :channels is working fine, however from sprout.
As written earlier, (with-sound (:srate 48000), etc. works
fine too.  
I'm having the same sprout problem for setting srate with 
Grace vers. 3.8 and 3.9.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

(load "/home/Grace/insts/insectFM.scm")
(set! *clm-srate* 48000)
(define (myaccrit stop lb ub start-rhy fac)
  (process  for k = (between lb ub)
           for r = start-rhy then (* r fac)
           until (< r .01)
           until (>= (elapsed) stop)
  (let ((locust '(0 0 40 1 95 1 100 .5))
    (bug_hi '(0 1 25 .7 75 .78 100 1))
    (amp    '(0 0 25 1 75 .7 100 0)))
    (send "fm-insect"  (elapsed) r k  .5 amp 60 -16.707 locust 500.866 bug_hi  .346  .500 )
           (wait r) ))
(sprout (myaccrit  10 200 1295 .01 1.5) "Mywave.wav" :channels 1 :srate 48000)

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