[CM] cm in juce 2.0, jack

Heinrich Taube taube at illinois.edu
Wed Sep 19 03:17:10 PDT 2012

i think patterns.scm should be a pure scheme except for record definitions that (at least at one point) had to be added from the c side. any code you convert to pure scheme ill add into the repo.

On Sep 18, 2012, at 10:29 PM, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

> On 09/18/2012 10:17 AM, Heinrich Taube wrote:
>>> , I'm trying to bring old code up and running and it needs patterns ("make-item-stream"!). It does not look like I can get patterns.scm to load on a plain s7…
>> make-item-stream! wow that really is old!! :)     hmm cm2 has (new<cycle>  …) maybe you mean that?
> Nope, make-item-stream 'items 'heap '( things ...)
> :-)
> Or just (items x y z in heap)
> Very old.
>> in the best of all worlds one could simply load up cm2 code into s7/grace, but cm2 used a tiny-clos'ish object system that chicken, gauche and stklos managed to provide in one form or another. if i could mimic this with s7's object system that would work, but i don't know yet if thats possible or what sort of speed issues would arise. its on my todo list.
> I ended up hacking patterns.scm enough so it loads and runs (very limited testing just for the patterns I was using) in an s7 interpreter. It was not that difficult. It would be good to have an "official" version that loads into plain s7...
> The piece (from 1994) is starting to make noises again with much help from Bill.
> -- Fernando

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