[CM] cm in juce 2.0, jack

Dave Phillips dlphillips at woh.rr.com
Tue Sep 18 05:39:25 PDT 2012

On 09/16/2012 06:03 PM, Heinrich Taube wrote:
> arrg I've no idea, its not segfaulting on ubuntu and  sergey is able to select connections and make sound. perhaps you need to upgrade the jack? alternately you could try building in debug mode and see if there are any assertions before the segfault.

Hi Rick,

I've yet to try the debug build but I thought you might like (?) to know 
that a freshly-build Grace binary segfaults on my Debian Squeeze system 
too (AVLinux 5.0.1). I'll do debug builds on both boxes today. I also 
have an Ubuntu 10.04 machine that I haven't yet tested for Grace, will 
do so this morning. One of them has to work, right ? :)

Btw, JACK1 on both systems is at v. 0.120.2. Are you using JACK 1 or 2 ?



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